Build your immunity with homeopathy.

As autumn settles over the northern hemisphere, it brings with it shorter days, cooler temperatures, and damp conditions—along with an uptick in colds, coughs, and other seasonal illnesses.

Why do people get ill more often in winter?

Immunity is the body’s ability to defend itself against harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and toxins.

Lowered immune system in winter is the result of multiple interconnected factors, including stress, increased exposure to toxins, low vitamin D levels, poor diet, weakened microbiomes and disrupted circadian rhythms. These combined elements contribute to the body’s reduced ability to fend off infections during colder months.


Chronic stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that suppresses immune function over time. This weakens the body’s ability to fight off infections and increases inflammation.

Homeopathic remedies can help reduce stress by addressing both the emotional and physical symptoms that arise from stress. Homeopathy treats individuals holistically, considering not just the stress itself but how a person uniquely responds to it.

Reduced sunlight and vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is crucial for immune regulation, and low levels during winter months can weaken the immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections.

The most effective way to check your vitamin D levels is through a blood test, followed by supplementation if your levels are low. For those who may have difficulty absorbing vitamin D from traditional supplements, homeopathic forms of vitamin D are also available.


Poor nutrition, especially diets high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats, can deprive the body of essential vitamins and minerals, increase toxic load and trigger inflammatory responses in the body, further weakening the immune system.

A lack of nutrients like vitamin C, D, zinc, and antioxidants also weakens the body’s defences.

Increased toxicity and microbiome disruption.

During winter, people tend to spend more time indoors, where there is increased exposure to synthetic materials and chemicals from home heating and indoor pollutants. At the same time, there is reduced exposure to outdoor environments that naturally help diversify and support the gut and respiratory microbiomes. This disruption in microbial balance, along with an increased toxic load, can also lower the immune resilience.

It is crucial to ensure that the organs of elimination—such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, gut, and lymphatic system—function effectively and can efficiently remove toxins. When these organs are compromised and the body becomes overwhelmed with toxins, we begin to experience symptoms of disease.

We have a number of homeopathic and homeobotanical remedies that can support the channels of elimination, assist with the expulsion of toxins and strengthen individual organs and systems.

Circadian rhythm disruption.

The natural body rhythms (circadian rhythm) that regulate immune function can be disrupted due to the shorter daylight hours and irregular sleep patterns during winter. This misalignment contributes to a compromised immune response.

Our ancestors followed a natural rhythm, going to bed at sunset and rising with the sunrise. While modern life with its busy schedules and late nights makes this difficult, it’s still important to prioritise sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours of rest each night to support overall health and well-being.

In my practice, I have noticed an increasing number of people suffering from insomnia. During consultations, we work to identify the underlying causes of their sleep issues and address them with appropriate homeopathic remedies.

Respiratory Vulnerability.

The colder, drier air in winter can dry out the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, reducing their effectiveness in trapping and expelling pathogens. This makes the lungs and respiratory system more vulnerable to infections like colds and flu.

Homeopathic remedies such as Aconite, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Arsenicum, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, and many others have proven to be highly effective in treating colds and flu.

Homeopathy offers a natural, holistic approach to strengthening immunity by treating the individual as a whole, rather than focusing solely on symptoms. It works by stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanisms, using highly diluted natural substances to encourage the immune system to respond more effectively. Remedies are chosen based on a person’s unique physical, emotional, and mental symptoms, helping to balance and support the immune system in a gentle, non-invasive way.

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