Homeopathy for acne.

I have a special interest in treating acne, because I know how debilitating this condition can be, and it’s very rewarding to see how people’s skin clears up during homeopathic treatment. 

People of all ages can suffer from acne, including teenagers, women, and men. Puberty begins at an early age for some children, and you can even see someone as young as 10 with pimples on their faces.

Teenagers go through so many changes in their bodies, minds, and emotions that it can be very difficult to cope with them. The stress of peer pressure, schoolwork, exams, and having spots on your face can be overwhelming.

Hormonal changes in the body can cause acne in women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and even their 50s.

It’s rare to find someone with acne who doesn’t care about it at all. There are people who just get on with their lives and it doesn’t seem to affect them much, whereas others have such low self-confidence that they don’t leave the house unless absolutely necessary, won’t go to social gatherings, don’t take pictures of themselves, won’t look in the mirror at all. It can affect their relationships with other people, and their lives in general.

This is why I’m very passionate about helping people with acne. I have seen in practice how homeopathy can transform their skin, their confidence and their sense of well-being.

There are not many conventional treatment options available to people with acne, and they all have side effects. Topical treatments like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic acid or Retinol can cause redness, skin peeling and sensitivity, and ultimately, they don’t address the underlying cause. Oral medications like antibiotics, Accutane, the combined pill and Spironolactone – all have more serious side effects than the topical treatments and often are not effective. In some cases, the acne can return with a vengeance.

Homeopathy offers a gentle, holistic and effective treatment for acne. It is not a quick fix, but it will restore your health and skin from the inside out.

During a homeopathic consultation, we try to find the underlying cause of an ailment. We consider when acne first appeared, what could have caused it, what other health problems you currently have or have suffered from in the past, and what medication you have taken. We look at your diet, lifestyle and skincare routine. 

If you would like to find out more about treating acne with homeopathy, please get in touch and we can have a chat.

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