Homeopathy for menopause.

Menopause is a widely discussed topic these days, with its own dedicated awareness day on 18th October. The aim of World Menopause Day (as it is officially known) is to raise awareness of menopause and highlight the support options available to women to enhance their health and wellbeing. While it is important to be informed, an unintended consequence is that the more menopause is discussed, the more fear it can provoke. Many women now fear perimenopause and menopause, having heard about some women experiencing significant difficulties during this time. The medical industry has also been quite successful in framing menopause as a “disease.”

What is menopause and should we fear it?

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles and reproductive years. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, though it can happen earlier or later. Menopause is diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.

Most women do not seek medical help for menopause, nor do they view it as a medical issue. It is simply another phase in a woman’s life, much like puberty, pregnancy, or becoming a mother.  Each of these stages involves a transformation, a kind of metamorphosis, which can sometimes be uncomfortable, much like the experience of adolescence. 

Changes can occur on many levels—physically, emotionally, and in life circumstances. The body is changing, life is evolving, and emotions, whether new or long-buried, may surface, some of which were previously suppressed.

Menopause is also closely associated with aging. We live in a time where society, along with industries profiting from it, has declared war on aging. Botox, plastic surgeries, and other interventions are all marketed to help people stay younger for longer. And what signals aging more clearly than menopause? It’s no surprise that some women find it harder to accept than others.

What support is available for women who find menopause challenging?

There are both natural and medical options for managing menopause. It’s important to remember that all medications can have side effects, and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and antidepressants are no exception. In some cases, these treatments can make women feel worse than before.

My preferred approach is natural. With the support of homeopathy, I help women navigate menopause, empowering them to feel healthy and balanced. When supporting a woman through menopause, it’s crucial to consider not only her physical symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, and dryness, but also her mental and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, depression, insomnia, mood swings, and memory loss. Each woman’s experience of this transition is unique. For some, it can be a time of freedom and creativity, while others may struggle with letting go of their former selves. 

A homeopath treats the individual holistically, focusing on their unique symptoms. Nothing in the body works in isolation; every cell, organ, and system is interconnected. 

Various factors influence how a woman experiences menopause, including her constitution, family history, environment, diet, lifestyle, and stress levels, all of which can affect her symptoms. 

Maintaining a healthy liver and digestive system is essential for hormonal balance. During menopause, the liver and gut require extra support, particularly if there is a history of contraceptive pill use or frequent antibiotic prescriptions. Prolonged stress can also indicate adrenal fatigue, which plays a significant role in hormonal health.

Additionally, pre-existing chronic health conditions may worsen during menopause, which can also be addressed through homeopathy. These conditions may include skin problems, digestive issues, headaches, recurrent infections, lowered immunity, and joint or muscle pain.

If you find yourself struggling with the symptoms of menopause, give homeopathy a go.

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